Evince is a document viewer capable of displaying multiple and single page document formats like PDF and Postscript.
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1 /* Copyright 2015 the unarr project authors (see AUTHORS file).
2  License: LGPLv3 */
4 #ifndef unarr_h
5 #define unarr_h
7 #include <stddef.h>
8 #include <stdint.h>
9 #include <stdbool.h>
10 typedef int64_t off64_t;
11 typedef int64_t time64_t;
13 #define UNARR_API_VERSION 100
15 /***** common/stream *****/
17 typedef struct ar_stream_s ar_stream;
19 /* opens a read-only stream for the given file path; returns NULL on error */
20 ar_stream *ar_open_file(const char *path);
21 #ifdef _WIN32
22 ar_stream *ar_open_file_w(const wchar_t *path);
23 #endif
24 /* opens a read-only stream for the given chunk of memory; the pointer must be valid until ar_close is called */
25 ar_stream *ar_open_memory(const void *data, size_t datalen);
26 #ifdef _WIN32
27 typedef struct IStream IStream;
28 /* opens a read-only stream based on the given IStream */
29 ar_stream *ar_open_istream(IStream *stream);
30 #endif
32 /* closes the stream and releases underlying resources */
33 void ar_close(ar_stream *stream);
34 /* tries to read 'count' bytes into buffer, advancing the read offset pointer; returns the actual number of bytes read */
35 size_t ar_read(ar_stream *stream, void *buffer, size_t count);
36 /* moves the read offset pointer (same as fseek); returns false on failure */
37 bool ar_seek(ar_stream *stream, off64_t offset, int origin);
38 /* shortcut for ar_seek(stream, count, SEEK_CUR); returns false on failure */
39 bool ar_skip(ar_stream *stream, off64_t count);
40 /* returns the current read offset (or 0 on error) */
41 off64_t ar_tell(ar_stream *stream);
43 /***** common/unarr *****/
45 typedef struct ar_archive_s ar_archive;
47 /* frees all data stored for the given archive; does not close the underlying stream */
49 /* reads the next archive entry; returns false on error or at the end of the file (use ar_at_eof to distinguish the two cases) */
50 bool ar_parse_entry(ar_archive *ar);
51 /* reads the archive entry at the given offset as returned by ar_entry_get_offset (offset 0 always restarts at the first entry); should always succeed */
52 bool ar_parse_entry_at(ar_archive *ar, off64_t offset);
53 /* reads the (first) archive entry associated with the given name; returns false if the entry couldn't be found */
54 bool ar_parse_entry_for(ar_archive *ar, const char *entry_name);
55 /* returns whether the last ar_parse_entry call has reached the file's expected end */
56 bool ar_at_eof(ar_archive *ar);
58 /* returns the name of the current entry as UTF-8 string; this pointer is only valid until the next call to ar_parse_entry; returns NULL on failure */
59 const char *ar_entry_get_name(ar_archive *ar);
60 /* returns the stream offset of the current entry for use with ar_parse_entry_at */
62 /* returns the total size of uncompressed data of the current entry; read exactly that many bytes using ar_entry_uncompress */
63 size_t ar_entry_get_size(ar_archive *ar);
64 /* returns the stored modification date of the current entry in 100ns since 1601/01/01 */
66 /* WARNING: don't manually seek in the stream between ar_parse_entry and the last corresponding ar_entry_uncompress call! */
67 /* uncompresses the next 'count' bytes of the current entry into buffer; returns false on error */
68 bool ar_entry_uncompress(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
70 /* copies at most 'count' bytes of the archive's global comment (if any) into buffer; returns the actual amout of bytes copied (or, if 'buffer' is NULL, the required buffer size) */
71 size_t ar_get_global_comment(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
73 /***** rar/rar *****/
75 /* checks whether 'stream' could contain RAR data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
78 /***** tar/tar *****/
80 /* checks whether 'stream' could contain TAR data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
83 /***** zip/zip *****/
85 /* checks whether 'stream' could contain ZIP data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
86 /* set deflatedonly for extracting XPS, EPUB, etc. documents where non-Deflate compression methods are not supported by specification */
87 ar_archive *ar_open_zip_archive(ar_stream *stream, bool deflatedonly);
89 /***** _7z/_7z *****/
91 /* checks whether 'stream' could contain 7Z data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
94 #endif