Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- b -
- back_button
: _EvHistoryActionPrivate
- backend
: BadTitleEntry
- backend_destroy_func
: _EvPage
- backend_page
: _EvPage
- base
: _EvJobRender
, _EvViewPresentation
- Base
: CPpmd7
- base
: _EvBookmarkAction
, _EvBookmarks
, _EvDocument
, _EvMetadata
, _EvDocumentModel
- base_class
: _EvImageClass
, _EvBookmarksClass
, _EvFileMonitorClass
, _EvLayerClass
, _EvFindSidebarClass
, _EvLoadingMessageClass
, _EvLinkActionClass
, _EvMetadataClass
, _EvPropertiesDialogClass
, _EvLinkDestClass
, _EvPropertiesFontsClass
, _EvPropertiesLicenseClass
, _EvLinkClass
, _EvSidebarAnnotationsClass
, _EvSidebarAttachmentsClass
, _EvMediaClass
, _EvSidebarBookmarksClass
, _EvSidebarLayersClass
, _EvPageClass
, _EvSidebarLinksClass
, _EvSidebarThumbnailsClass
, _EvAnnotationWindowClass
, _EvSidebarClass
, _EvToolbarClass
, _EvDocumentModelClass
, _EvWindowClass
, _EvViewPresentationClass
, _EvBrowserPluginToolbarClass
, _EvPreviewerWindowClass
, _EvPropertiesViewClass
, _EvAttachmentClass
, _EvAnnotationPropertiesDialogClass
, _EvAnnotationsToolbarClass
, _EvDocumentClass
, _EvApplicationClass
, _EvBookmarkActionClass
- base_height
: _DviDocument
- base_iface
: _EvDocumentTransitionInterface
, _EvFileExporterInterface
, _EvSelectionInterface
, _EvSidebarPageInterface
, _EvAnnotationMarkupInterface
, _EvAsyncRendererInterface
, _EvDocumentAnnotationsInterface
, _EvDocumentAttachmentsInterface
, _EvDocumentFindInterface
, _EvDocumentFontsInterface
, _EvDocumentFormsInterface
, _EvDocumentImagesInterface
, _EvDocumentLayersInterface
, _EvDocumentLinksInterface
, _EvDocumentMediaInterface
, _EvDocumentPrintInterface
, _EvDocumentSecurityInterface
, _EvDocumentTextInterface
- base_instance
: _EvBrowserPluginToolbar
, _EvAttachment
, _EvPropertiesView
, _EvImage
, _EvLayer
, _EvLinkAction
, _EvLinkDest
, _EvLink
, _EvMedia
, _EvPage
, _EvAnnotationWindow
, _EvPreviewerWindow
, _EvAnnotationPropertiesDialog
, _EvAnnotationsToolbar
, _EvApplication
, _EvFileMonitor
, _EvFindSidebar
, _EvLoadingMessage
, _EvPropertiesDialog
, _EvPropertiesLicense
, _EvSidebarAnnotations
, _EvSidebarAttachments
, _EvSidebarLayers
, _EvSidebarLinks
, _EvSidebarThumbnails
, _EvSidebarBookmarks
, _EvToolbar
, _EvWindow
, _EvSidebar
, _EvPropertiesFonts
- base_width
: _DviDocument
- base_x
: _DviParams
- base_y
: _DviParams
- begin
: _EvFileExporterInterface
- begin_page
: _EvFileExporterInterface
- begin_print
: _EvPrintOperationClass
- best_existing
: EvSidebarLinkPageSearch
- bg
: _DviColorPair
, _DviParams
, ColorCache
, _DviFontChar
, DviCairoDevice
- bh
: EpsfBox
- BinSumm
: CPpmd7
- bitmap
: _NPAsyncSurface
- bits
: MemBitReader
, ar_archive_rar_uncomp::StreamBitReader
- bitspersample
: _TIFF2PSContext
- blocklength
: RARFilter
- blockstartpos
: RARFilter
- bookmarks
: _EvSidebarBookmarksPrivate
, _EvWindowPrivate
- bookmarks_menu
: _EvWindowPrivate
- bookmarks_section
: _EvToolbarPrivate
- boolValue
: _NPVariant
- bottom
: _NPRect
, _EvLinkDestPrivate
- bounding_box
: _DjvuTextPage
- br
: ar_archive_rar_uncomp
- branches
: huffman_code
- buckets
: _DviHashTable
- buf
: CLzmaDec
, CLookToRead2
, _NPSavedData
- buffer
: DragInfo
, SaveToBufferData
, _DviContext
- buffer_cur
: __synctex_scanner_t
- buffer_end
: __synctex_scanner_t
- buffer_start
: __synctex_scanner_t
- bufSize
: CLookToRead2
- bus
: _EvMediaPlayer
- bw
: EpsfBox
- bytein
: ar_archive_rar_uncomp_v3
- bytemode
: RAROpcode_s
- bytes
: MemBitReader
, ar_archive_rar_filters
- bytes_done
: ar_archive_rar_progress
- bytes_ready
: ar_archive_rar_uncomp
, ar_archive_rar_filters